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Foster Law Firm is doing its part to help flood victims
On behalf of Foster Law Firm, LLC posted in on Wednesday.
September 06, 2017

Please drop off donations at our law office at 601 East McBee Avenue in Greenville. And keep the donations coming through Friday, Sept. 15. In addition to Hurricane Harvey relief, we anticipate sending a second load to Florida in the wake of Hurricane Irma.

We welcome donations of canned goods, baby food, pet food, diapers, toilet paper, cleaning products, toothbrushes and other personal items, new or gently used clothing, and school supplies for Texas students when they resume classes. Stop by during our normal business hours (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) or call 864-386-4569 after hours to make drop-off arrangements.

New meaning to “donation drive”
Leila Louzri, an associate attorney of Foster Law Firm, volunteered to drive the donations to Texas. She and her mother began the nearly 1,000-mile trek on Thursday, Sept. 7, driving 15-plus hours to deliver supplies directly to Texas so they can be distributed in timely fashion to families in need.

“It’s not just sending a check,” said law partner Robin Foster. “Leila got to thinking about it. It’s something she could do and that the firm could do.” Leila Louzri was involved in a similar effort 12 years ago after Hurricane Katrina hit Louisiana, working with a group of friends to muster enough donations to fill a tractor-trailer. This time, she will literally “go the extra mile” to drive the truck herself.

Much of interstate I-10 is still closed, which may complicate the delivery. Once Leila and her mom reach Texas, they will meet up with a friend who is coordinating a local drive, or take the goods to distribution center established by the mayor of Houston. They want to ensure that the donations are handed off to a reputable organization that will get them to the people who need it most urgently.

Pets need flood relief, too
Leila and Robin’s wife are both passionate advocates for rescue animals, serving as “foster parents” for abandoned pets until they can be adopted by families. They were deeply moved by images on the news of dogs in Houston stranded on rooftops or drowned in the floods.

“When Harvey first hit, no one was collecting for dogs and cats, or for kids,” Leila said. “We want to send stuff people don’t normally think about, like dog food and cat food, diapers, cleaning supplies.” While we are told that Texas has plenty of bottled water, there is always a need for fresh clothes and non-perishable food items. There will be similiar needs in Florida in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma.

Thank you Greenville for your wonderful support!

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